Wednesday, 12 August 2015

How to clean your upholstery in few steps!

If you want to prolong the life of your pricey upholstery furniture, going in for a seasonal cleaning is mandatory. It will not only clean your surrounding of the unnecessary dirt and grime but will also freshen it up. We can always seek help from upholstery and grout cleaning Adelaide professionals. The easy ways listed below to freshen up the upholstery fabric will make you fall off the chair.

Things you may need:
A vacuum cleaner, detergent powder without bleaching properties, bristled brush, small bucket and some white cloth.

·         First step in cleaning of the upholstery is to remove any kind of loose dirt sticking to the fabric. For this purpose, you can keep a small bristled brush at disposal to brush off the unnecessary dust. You can use it for the sofa covers and also for the cushions.

·         Using a good vacuum cleaner is highly advisable to clean the entire furniture. Make sure you clean every nook and corner of your upholstery including different side of the cushions.

·     Your best cleaning solution at home will be detergent mixed in some water. You need to be cautious to avoid using a detergent that contains bleach as it might fade out your upholstery and leaving stains sparingly. You should dip sponge into the cleaning solution and then rub it on the undersides of your upholstery to clean it. After cleaning, using a damp cloth to air dry is best option. In case of any kind of discoloration, one should call for professional cleaners.

·         The places that have tough stains or spots, rigorous rubbing with the sponge is necessary. You may also allow the detergent to sit on the stain for few minutes so that it penetrates into the fabric completely. This will loosen out the dirt making it easy to remove it. However for delicate upholstery fabric rigorous rubbing is not advisable. In such cases going in for professional cleaners is the only best option.

·         To prevent the pile up of dirt and grime unnecessarily, one should go for regular cleaning with a vacuum. This will decrease the amount of soiling reducing the requirement of intensive cleaning. As such it is necessary to vacuum your delicate and pricey upholstery on a regular basis to keep it looking fresh and clean for longer time.

Things to remember
Please read the manufacturers label before you use a cleaning solution. Any kind of ignorance might cause unnecessary damage to your pricey upholstered assets. Try not to meddle with upholstery that is within guarantee period as it might annul the guarantee of your upholstery. Moreover different fabrics require different kind of cleaning solution. If you use one solution in all types of fabric it might not give you desired results plus it might also damage the delicate fabric of your upholstery. Avoid using too much of water for the cleaning process as it might unnecessarily drench the upholstery and damage it.

In case of any kind of confusion, you should call for professional cleaners and not undertake the cleaning process as it might damage your pricey upholstery assets.


  1. Thanks for sharing the post for Carpet Cleaning, The professional carpet cleaner are provide best serviced with their cleaning equipments.

  2. This is a good post. It give good information on how to save both money and time on upholstery cleaning. Seeking professional chair cleaning services in Bangalore is like a research work. This post made my work much easier. Thank you!
